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Lync site failover from one pool to another pool with 2 individual stand alone back end servers


Hello All,

Currently, we have lync 2013 enviorment and in which we have 2 sites.

Site 1 - one front end pool (2 FE servers) with one stand alone Back end server
Site 2 - one front end pool (2 FE servers)with one stand alone back end server

Now, we are going to do shutdown all servers in Site 2. CMS server is active on pool in site1. I am going to do pool failover from site2 to site1.

my question is, whether the Back end server in site 2 will DB get updated automatically after power on servers in site2????? or the user data in BE conflict will occur power on BE servers site2???

because site 1 and site 2 has individual stand alone back end server.

any idea?

Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Thanks Chandru CT-HCL

ThanksChandru CT. MCITP

Problems to download powerpoint presentation but upload is working


Hi. We are in the process of moving to Lync 2013. I have my user on Lync 2013 and I can upload presentations with both my Lync 2010 client and Lync 2013 client. But only my 2013 client can download the same presentations. As our users are going to use Lync 2010 client for some more time I need to get it to work but have no clue where the problem is. OWA must be working as everything works fine with my 2013 client. So I login on same pc with same user and only Lync 2013 client works. Any ideas?

Best regards

Pernille Herold

Lync 2013 phased deployment questions - FE's only?


Hello all -

Due to issues I cant really discuss here on the forum, I am having to deploy enterprise Lync 2013 in a phased approach.

The first phase will simply be for internal IM services for internal users. 

My question - can I simply deploy a FE pool, Director pool, and using a separate SQL server to provide this basic service.

I need to ensure I have a footprint for later goals including Edge, Monitoring, etc.

Thanks for any input and information as to what issues to watch out for when taking this approach.  Just to clarify, there are issues preventing deploying an Edge at this time (that will later be resolved) and basic IM service is needed in the next few days.  The solution will eventually include rolling out all other services/features in an HA environment at a later time.



Sharing my "Move user script." - Used for moving batches of users


I have worked on this for the last year or so, on and off, and wanted to share it with the community.  It is written to move users from R2 to Lync.  Instructions are simple.  It can be easily changed to move users from Lync 2010 to Lync 2013 or even 2013 to 2013 or 2010 to 2010 if you want.  It provides all the functionality I needed to move large batches of users from one version to another while creating seperate text files of successes and failures for each batch.  Since MS didn't release (at least that I could find), a move user script like they did for R2, I created one. I wrote the basis of this a long, long time ago in a server room far, far away.

Note: To change from an R2 to Lync migration script, change the move-cslegacyuser to move-csuser in the script. 

Quick start:

There is a global variable for a working directory that needs to be set.  It is currently set to e:\temp\migration as this is where my batches are located.

User Batch Files: These are text files with a list of users to be migrated.  They need to be named in the format batch#.txt where # is a unique number.  You can also use letters.  So batch 1 will be named batch1.txt.  Batch 2a will be labeled batch2a.txt.  The script will ask for the batch number.

The batch files can list users in the format of thier SIP URI with or without the SIP: in front. 

The script will look up a list of all Lync pools and SBAs (at least it should) and ask which one you want to migrate the users too.  If the list of pools and SBAs is very long, and in some installations it will, I am not sure what the behavior will be.  I will address that as our deployments progress.  I guess I can ask if you are migrating to a pool or an SBA to narrow it down. 

It will then ask for confirmation of your choices.

Disclaimer:  This is provided "as is" and I take no responsability for any damage, etc, etc, etc that this may do.  I am sharing this out of the sense of community so don't complain.  Feel free to share it as long as you say that you got it from that ubber cool guy "Mark Poulton."  I hacked this together (I am not a programmer) so it probably could be done much much better.  However, it works for me.  Enjoy my friend. 

I may or may not post updated versions as I improve this.

# Move User 1.23
# Written by Mark Poulton
# This script will move users listed in a text file to the Lync 2013 Pools
# Format of the text file containing users to be moved is: sip:<SIPURI>
#    (One user per line.  No header)
# The list/TXT file should be located in the following directory
#   E:\Temp\Migration\Batch#.txt
# Migrations are done in batches.  Each batch has a number.  
#  The text file should be in the format of Batch#.txt 
#  where # represents the batch number.
# Example: Batch 3 would be in the format of
#   E:\Temp\Migration\Batch3.txt
# Update the $BatchNumber variable with the current batch number
#  Everything else will work itself out
# Logging files are created based upon the batch number for historical purposes
# Global path variable to where the user batch files are located.  
$BatchPath = "E:\Temp\Migration"
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " This script will move users listed in a text file to the Lync 2013 Pools" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "  Format of the text file containing users to be moved is: " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "    sip:<SIPURI> or <SIPURI> and any combination of the two "  -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "    (One user per line.  No header)" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "  Migrations are done in batches.  Each batch has a number." -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "    The text file should be in the format of Batch#.txt " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "    where # represents the batch number." -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "  The list/TXT file should be located in the following directory" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "         $BatchPath\Batch#.txt" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "  Example: Batch 3 would be in the format of" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "    $BatchPath\Batch3.txt" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
[console]::ForegroundColor = "DarkYellow"
$BatchNumber = Read-Host "Enter Batch Number"
[console]::ForegroundColor = "White"
#This will point to the TXT file that contains the users that need to be migrated
$BatchFilePath = "$BatchPath\Batch$BatchNumber.txt"
#This creates the Error log for troubleshooting
$FailedMove = "$BatchPath\FailedLegacyUserMove$BatchNumber.txt"
#This creates a log file to keep a record of all successful moves
$SuccessMove = "$BatchPath\SuccussfullyMigratedUser$BatchNumber.txt"
# The following section reads information via powershell using the get-cspool cmdlet
#  and filters based upon it having a Registrar Service (should indicate a pool) &
#  not being in the backcomp site (i.e. R2).  If I find a better way to do this
#  I will update it.
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " READING LYNC POOL INFORMATION - Be patient" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
$menuitems=get-cspool | Where-Object {$_.Services -like "*Registrar*" -and $_.Site -notlike "*BackComp*"} 
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
foreach($menuitem in $menuitems)
write-host "$count.) $($menuitem.Identity)"
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
$selection = Read-Host "Which pool do you want to migrate the users to?"
$LyncPool = $menu[$selection-1]
# Confirming selections that user has made.  If No, exiting script
Write-Host "Use the following parameters? " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "User file: " $BatchFilePath -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "Lync Pool to migrate users to: " $LyncPool -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host " " -foregroundcolor yellow
$Response = ""
While ($Response -notmatch '^(Y|N)$'){
$Response = 
   Read-Host "Continue (Y/N)?"
if ($Response.ToUpper() -eq "N")
# Making sure the user batch file exists.  If it doesn't exist, writing message 
#  to screen and exiting the script
If (Test-Path $BatchFilePath) {
# This will pull the users that need to be migrated from the TXT file
#  Reading list of users from the text file.
$LegacyUser = Get-Content $BatchFilePath
# Starting the migratoin process and informing.
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Beginning migration for all users to pool $LyncPool"
Write-Host " "
Foreach ($User in $LegacyUser)
# Trimming the leading and trailing spaces from the user SIP URI
# Changing to upper case
# Removing SIP: if it exists at the beginning of the string
# Adding SIP: back into string
$SIP = $User.trim()
$sIP = $SIP.ToUpper()
$SIP = $SIP.replace("SIP:","")
# Checkin to see if the variable is blank.  If so, skipping.
if ($SIP -ne "")
Write-Host "Migrating User: -$SIP-    Status: " -NoNewline
$SIP = "SIP:" + $SIP
$ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
move-CsLegacyUser –Identity $SIP –Target $LyncPool –Confirm:$false –ErrorVariable “MoveErr”
if ($MoveErr)
Write-Host "Failed" -foregroundcolor Red
“Batch $BatchNumber - User $SIP Failed to move to pool $LyncPool” | Out-file -append -filepath $FailedMove
"   --- $MoveErr.exception.message" | Out-file -append -filepath $FailedMove" " | Out-file -append -filepath $FailedMove
} else
Write-Host "Passed" -ForegroundColor Yellow
“Batch $BatchNumber - User $SIP was moved to pool $LyncPool"  | Out-file -append -filepath $SuccessMove
Else {
  Write-Warning "The file containing the users to be migrated is not found at $BatchFilePath.  Check the path ..."

Error when accessing externally


Hi all,

Testing a Lync 2013 deployment. Everything seems to be working just fine internally. I setup an edge server and proxy server (ARR) to allow external access. 

Running Remote Connectivity Analyzer, I get this error:

Testing remote connectivity to Microsoft Lync server through the Lync Access Edge server sip.xxxxxxx.com on port 443 to verify user <username>@xxxxxxx.com can connect remotely. Specified remote connectivity test(s) to Microsoft Lync server failed. See details below for specific failure reasons. Additional Details Couldn't sign in. Error: User failed to get response from MRAS server. SIP service request to MRAS server failed. Error Message: A 504 (Server time-out) response was received from the network and the operation failed. See the exception details for more information.. Error Type: PublishSubscribeException. Fault Code: . Response Code: 504. Response Text: Server time-out. Diagnostic Header: ErrorCode=1038,Source=FESERVER.xxxxxxx.com,Reason=Failed to connect to a peer server,fqdn=EDGE.xxxxxxx.com,peer-type=InternalServer,winsock-code=10061,winsock-info=The peer actively refused the connection attempt Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.DiagnosticHeader .

I've checked my firewall and everything seems to be setup correctly. Any pointers here?


Company Logo on meet.mycompany.com


I was curious if I can replace the Lync image logo with my company logo when external users access a meeting. I am talking about the htt* meet . mycompany .com page that it directs them to so they can logon as a guest.  I tried replacing it in ext and  int and looking at the folders via IIS still it doesn't show.  Any ideas?

IIS reverse proxy 502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server


I am receiving the error listed in the subject when i try to open my meet\dialin\lyncweb from external

Here is a quick description:

Lync FE Standard - ibi-lc01.domain.ca - private cert from ca

Lync Mediation - ibi-lc02.domain.ca - private cert from ca

Lync Edsge - ibi-lc03.domain.ca - internal from ca - exeternal cert from godaddy

IIS reverse Proxy - ibi-rp01.domain.ca cert is a wild card .*domain.ca  and i installed the private cert from ibi-lc01 - not on the domain

dns- meet\dialin\lyncweb points to FE for internal and for external they point to the public ip of the ibi-rp01

From ibi-rp01 i can open all the sites no problem - and no warning from the cert

-from external i get the error 

Any suggestions would be awesome to help with the issue been on it for 2 days now

Which Lync client answers an IM?


The situation yesterday:

I have a lync client on my android phone, a lync client on my android tablet and a lync client on my desktop.  I started a conversation on my desktop client and my phone my phone and tablet see nothing.  If I close my desktop client and the person I was speaking to sends another IM, he gets an error message that the message may not have been sent.  The message doesn't get picked up by either of the other devices.

The person I spoke to yesterday has a desktop client, an android phone client and an apple client on his ipad.  I asked him to send me an IM from each.  I got 2 of the 3 on my desktop client and the third (from his tablet) on my tablet.

My guess is that the last time his tablet IM'd me, it was from his tablet.

Can someone tell me why the IM is routed to one device instead of another and how I can change that routing or force all devices to see all messages?

Basic Response Group Question


Hi Guys,

Running Lync 2013 on Standard Edition.

We have a trunk with AudioCodes for Enterprise Voice.

I have setup a RGS and enable on my Queue a maximum number of calls to 10

What I would like is when the 11 call  is reach, I would like to play a message that just say "All of our line are busy"

Is that possible?


Limited External Calling after migration from Lync 2010 to 2013


I was running Lync standard 2010 and am in the process of migrating to Lync 2013. From my Lync 2010 client I see the error "Limited External Calling". I setup an Edge server on my Lync 2013, but didn't have one on 2010.

I have the internal CA certificates setup. I have a wildcard certificate I can use for external use. I'm guessing I need to set that up? Also, I have port 5061 open. What other ports do I need to resolve this error?

SSL Offloading and wildcard certifcates on reverse proxy


Need something cleared up. Apparently you can use a wildcard certificate with Lync 2013 if you put the certificate on a reverse proxy but isn't this considered SSL offloading which from what I read is not supported in Lync 2013.

I know the wildcard will not work on the FE because the subject name of *.domain.com is not supported but how would you deploy this certificate on a reverse proxy and not use SSL offloading?

Split SIP namespace across organizations


Hi all,

We have organization that is currently using Lync 2010 and it is interested in migration to Lync 2013. The problem is that the Lync 2013 will be installed in a new forest. My question: is there a way to have a split SIP namespace across between Lync 2010 and Lync 2013 using the approach for Lync Online?



Lync 2010-2013 upgrade gone bad, lost 2010 CMS.


I was upgrading from Lync 2010 to 2013. Before I had a chance to finish the migration to 2013 I lost the 2010 CMS. It's gone, there are no clones, there are no backups. I do have the 2013 side up and running but the 2013 FE still defers everything to the 2010 FE. I cannot open the Lync Control Panel, I get an authentication error (Unauthorized: Authorization failed) so I can't add new users, but users that were already provisioned on the service continue to work.

I have the option of wiping Lync clean and starting over. I started a new install but the current configuration if found during setup and I don't see the option of installing new.

Here's a sample of what I'm seeing:

PS C:\Users\Stanley> Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus -CentralManagementStoreStatus
Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus : A network-related or instance-specific error occurred
while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible.
Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote
connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus -CentralManagementStoreStatus
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus], SqlException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Xds.GetO

Anyone who has knowledge of recovering from this type of disaster, your guidance will be much appreciated.


LYNC Kerberos security error


Dear All,

I am getting below error after changing the SQL service account on my LyncBackend server. Services on LyncFrontEnd server is not starting. Below is the error,

The Kerberos client received a KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error from the server SRV_SQL2012. The target name used was MSSQLSvc/getaelyncbe.abc.com:52504. This indicates that the target server failed to decrypt the ticket provided by the client. This can occur when the target server principal name (SPN) is registered on an account other than the account the target service is using. Ensure that the target SPN is only registered on the account used by the server. This error can also happen if the target service account password is different than what is configured on the Kerberos Key Distribution Center for that target service. Ensure that the service on the server and the KDC are both configured to use the same password. If the server name is not fully qualified, and the target domain (abc.COM) is different from the client domain (abc.COM), check if there are identically named server accounts in these two domains, or use the fully-qualified name to identify the server.

Please note the before my lync backend sql service were running on dmigration account and i changed that account to srv_sql2012.

Anyone help should be highly appreciated.

LYNC 2013 generating Full Address book files but not the delta ones


Dear Experts,

I have noticed after I installed a new LYNC 2013 pool that the SQL share for address book is only showing F-xxxx for full downloads of address book but I am not seeing the D-xxx delta files which is causing my client not to receive the GALContactDelta file.

This new pool is an enterprise LYNC 2013 and I am currently testing to move from LYNC 2010. I have only one Address Book configuration policy and I did not create any new policy for the new pool/site. Any suggestions where to check the cause is appreciated.


A. Zaher

A. Zaher

Deploying Lync Server Standard Pairing with multiple sites and one Edge Server associated


Hi everybody!

I have 4 locations in my environment (A, B, C and D). This locations are connected via MPLS data link, all locations are in the same domain.

Number of users in site A = 1.200

Number of users in site B = 1.200

Number of users in site C = 400

Number of users in site D =  250 

I will deploy a Lync Server Standard Edition 2013 pairing in each site, so I will have 4 sites. I will do it because I need to ensure that the services IM / Presence and A/V conference will not be unavailable in case of MPLS data link is down.

I have a third party service for DMZ network, so all my central sites have access to this DMZ, so I will deploy an Edge Server in this DMZ and I will associate this Edge Server for all central sites in my environment.

These scenario is the better option?

For external access, in case of the MPLS data link from "Site A" is down, if an user that is associated with this pool (Site A) trying to connect from outside, is it will work?


EDGE server routing - edge trying to route traffic from external interface to internal edge interface and to front end pool



So this is one of those kinda detailed problems that will come down to a slight oversight on my config, so just so it's clear I'm going to spell out our network configuration first:

  • Lync Enterprise Front End Pool - Lync-EFE.ewx.local - Pool IP
  • Single Lync Enterprise Front End Machine (so far) - Lync-EFE1.ewx.local

  • Lync Edge Pool - lyncedge.ewx.dmz
  • Single Lync Edge Machine - edge1.ewx.dmz
  • Internal Nic
  • No Gateway configured
  • No DNS configured - hosts file entries for front end pool.
  • External Nic
  • - Access Edge Service
  • - Web Conf Edge Services
  • - A/V Edge Service - NAT enabled on
  • Default gateway configured
  • DNS lookups from DMZ server (with no knowledge of internal machines)
  • Public Ips
  • - webconf.ewx.co.za - firewall routes to
  • - av.ewx.co.za - firewall routes to
  • - access.awx.co.za - firewall routes to

So I think that's everything.  Yes unfortunately we do no not have a second firewall for our dmz.  However we do have the traffic physically seperated on a different interface and there is no rule that allows traffic from the dmz onto the local network.  I know this isn't absolutely correct, but I'm working with what we've got for now.

Everything appears to work fine - we have internal and external clients, desktop lync, polycom phones, and mobile apps, and everything signs in, makes calls and appears to operate correctly.

The only problem we have is with federation.  If I add a federated contact we get the dead-end presence unknown message.  However if I look at the trace logs for the edge server, first I saw this message:

TL_WARN(TF_DIAG) [lyncedge\edge1]130C.28E4::11/23/2013-10:23:42.768.00000007 (SIPStack,SIPAdminLog::WriteDiagnosticEvent:SIPAdminLog.cpp(805)) [3549713091] $$begin_record

Severity: warning

Text: Host name resolution failure


SIP-Start-Line: SUBSCRIBEsip:x@y.com SIP/2.0

SIP-Call-ID: 0e50809a6020906e4b3313f074820817


Source: lync-efe.domain.local:50478

Data: fqdn="lyncedge.ewx.dmz"


So it appears that the edge server is trying to resolve it's own host name for some reason.  When I added a hosts entry to point to itself on, I started to get this message:

TL_INFO(TF_PROTOCOL) [lyncedge\edge1]22C4.0FA4::11/23/2013-22:34:03.105.000003F9 (SIPStack,SIPAdminLog::ProtocolRecord::Flush:ProtocolRecord.cpp(265)) [3437591884]

Trace-Correlation-Id: 3437591884

Instance-Id: 126

Direction: outgoing;source="local";destination="internal edge"

Peer: lync-efe.domain.local:60367

Message-Type: response

Start-Line: SIP/2.0 504 Server time-out

From: "Adam Pawsey" <sip:adam.pawsey@ewx.co.za>;tag=49050841-E5074EEA;epid=0004f2820817

To: <x@y.com>;tag=AA0F8B96EA03894CB0F713FC64412B6A

Call-ID: d4849628de6469f2d10c176809820817


Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK04BF2F5B.04CC0888594F780E;branched=FALSE;ms-received-port=60367;ms-received-cid=600

Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK1083881357A5F3BC;ms-received-port=53765;ms-received-cid=1700

Content-Length: 0

ms-diagnostics: 1046;reason="Failed to connect to a federated peer server";fqdn="lyncedge.ewx.dmz:5061";ip-address="";peer-type="FederatedPartner";winsock-code="10061";winsock-info="The peer actively refused the connection attempt";source="access.ewx.co.za"

ms-edge-proxy-message-trust: ms-source-type=EdgeProxyGenerated;ms-ep-fqdn=lyncedge.ewx.dmz;ms-source-verified-user=verified


So basically I don't understand why it is trying to route traffic from the external interface to the internal interface.  Anyone got any ideas what obvious mistake I've made?



Edge Server Internal NAT Deployment


I am deploying Lync 2013 for the first time and while examining the documentation found, what I believe to be, a strange requirement. It says that the edge server needs to have at least two IPs, one external and one internal. The external can be NATed to a public IP, but the internal must remain the native IP end-to-end. This seems odd as the scenario for the edge server is in the DMZ and servers in the DMZ, by design, reside in an island.

As an example, here is my setup. I have a proxy firewall for the DMZ. The flow of traffic works like this:

External Traffic

Edge Server ( --> Proxy Firewall (NAT: --> Firewall (NAT: --> Internet

Internal Traffic

Edge Server ( --> Proxy Firewall (NAT: --> Intranet

So, in my scenario 1 IP is configured on the server and traffic is routed and NATed based on the destination. It sounds like this configuration will not work with Lync for two reasons: The internal and external IPs need to be on separate subnets, and the internal IP cannot be NATed. I am seriously hoping that I am mistaken and just missing something, because if I give direct access to the 192.168.5.x network from my internal network, I have just broken my DMZ and defeated the entire purpose of it.

Can anyone help me out on this because it is going to make it impossible to use Lync and I just have a hard time believing enterprise software wouldn't support an enterprise network configuration. If I have an externally accessible server, it needs to live in the DMZ, period. It cannot live in the internal network and it cannot straddle the DMZ and internal networks. Thanks for any and all help!

Set client PIN



when I try to set pin for user using the action menu it keeps fails showing no servers are available

my installation is LYNC 2013 Enterprise pool with one server only for the time being

when I try to run it through powershell using the verbose it is showing as below

VERBOSE: locating user with identity UPN

VERBOSE: connecting to target “lyncpool_FQDN”

VERBOSE: No servers are available

The DNS records are correct , and the user is in RTCUniversalAdmin group as per TechNet to run this command. 

no related errors in the even viewer when running this command

from where should I start and what does it mean "server are not available" ! is it trying to contact the SQL or LYNC FE ? 


Restrict the addition of specific users

Guys, good afternoon;

Need to restrict the ability of some users being added by my lync client.
Know tell me if there is any rule to prevent a user group to be added to the lync client?

For not want my officers can be added by any user of the company.

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